James Cathey

Looking for Cathey Family Genealogy?
Because of the name of our company web site, we often get visitors to Cathey.com who are searching for their Cathey family roots.
We are doing the same.
If you are one of our distant, or not so distant, cousins, please contact us. We welcome knowledge of you and your family.
The best person here for you to contact is Gordon Cathey, gordon@cathey.com.

We have only recently begun our own genealogic research, so we have very little to offer you at this point. We hope, however, to improve this situation soon and to eventually serve as a web-based source of knowledge for you and other researchers.
We currently manage a very small web site devoted only to the family ties of the descendants of our grandparents, James Earl Cathey and Gertrude Victoria Land Cathey. It does not yet, but will soon contain what little we know of our Cathey family tree. Currently it does contain some interesting information about our grandmother's family. While it will not yet assist you in genealogic research, you are welcome to visit it, if you wish, at www.cathey.com/catheyfamily.
Other resources for you:
You might try the online Cathey Family Forum at genforum.genealogy.com/cathey.
One participant there is Boyt Cathey, who is probably the leading researcher of the Cathey lineage from the first Cathey immigrants to America. His e-mail address is BCathey@WorldNet.att.net.
A web site with lots of Cathey information and e-mail addresses of several other researchers of the family is at www.martygrant.com/gen/cathey.shtml.
If you know of or find other valuable resources, please let us know. We will use them ourselves, and we will post them here for others.
Thank you.


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